Monday, 30 August 2010


So, September's here, and the summer holidays for most of us are over. Which is brilliant news as you can re-focus and start thinking about wearing that little sparkly dress (or sparkly tuxedo for our lovely men!) when the festive season is upon us, and re-charge your motivation!!!!

Wednesday evening in group really is THE place to be - not only to share success stories with each other, but to get support when you need it. Your group's going to be buzzing over the next few weeks with fabulous new members celebrating fantastic weight losses. So why not join them and really go for a FAB FIRST WEEK to restart your motivation and commitment.

Can't wait to share everyone's success in group on Wednesday!!!

Sandra :)

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


In case you missed it, a great night was had by all. Your two fabulous worthy winners were the gorgeous Karen in the first session and our lovely Maggie in the second session. There were tears of joy as the winners were announced and tons of wothy applause! You were all such superstars for providing the delectable food optimising buffet and there were the added suprise of an unexpected and rather fruity guest, provided by the gorgeous Michelle! Well done to all of our terrific nominees who were such worthy participants - you are all absolute winners without a doubt!

Sandra :)

Friday, 13 August 2010


When you need a little help...
Surround yourself with a support network that’s going to help you like yourself more. Find friends who really want you to succeed and understand the difficulties you face. Talk to people who appreciate that every good decision, good meal, good day is cause for congratulation!

Learn to like yourself
Feeling good about ourselves is a vital ingredient of permanent success. The ‘feel-good factor’, that fashionable phrase, has started to mean something someone else does for us, or someone else gives to us. But I don’t mean this at all. ‘Feeling good’ is not dependent on someone else. You don’t need someone to ‘give’ it to you. You can choose to have it.

Accepting that we can choose how we feel is a concept most of us find quite foreign. We tend to say things like ‘he made me feel bad’ or ‘you make me happy’ and as well as saying it, we believe it and live our lives accordingly. We become an emotional thermometer, allowing our feelings to be turned up or down by someone else. But we can actually be a thermostat not a thermometer. We can regulate how we feel, not go up and down according to how someone else feels.

I once read a memorable story about two commuters. Each day on their way to work they walked past a newspaper seller on the street corner. Each morning, one of the commuters always had a cheery word of greeting for the news-seller and every time the news-seller gave a grumpy response. One day, his companion asked why he continued to be pleasant to such a miserable fellow and why, after having his greeting thrown back in his face, did he continue his journey so cheerfully. ‘Oh, that’s quite simple,’ replied the man. ‘I like to choose my own mood, not let someone else choose it for me.’

Being a thermostat!
We really can and do choose how we feel. Others can only invite us to feel a certain way. The glorious revelation is that we don’t have to accept the invitation! Understand this and you’ll feel and be more in control of your own destiny.

Next time you’re feeling down, or blaming yourself for not losing weight, tell yourself that no-one finds losing weight easy and that it’s understandable that you sometimes stumble and fall. Tell yourself no-one is perfect. And your imperfections go along with the other stuff that make up this wonderful, perfectly imperfect person.

Feel good about yourself and give yourself the best chance of success – at whatever it is you decide to achieve.

Don’t be bullied – do it for you!
You have to decide whether your weight matters to you enough to make the necessary changes. Do not be pushed into doing this by someone else. Beware the bullies in friendly disguise! Choose what’s right for you and do it for the right reasons. Check your expectations. Realistically, the things that will happen are a change in your looks, your health and your confidence and those good feelings about yourself will be deeply reinforced. Personally, I think it’s the most marvellous feeling in the world.

If you’ve been burdened with a weight problem, then I promise that nothing tastes as good as being slim feels!


Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Definitely THE place to be next week and I'm sooooo excited!!! A reminder that next week (Wednesday 18th August) we will be celebrating our Woman of the Year in style!!!! Both sessions will run at the normal times, and in each session you will have a chance to vote for who you want to be your group's Woman of the Year. Who inspires you the most, or who motivates you? Who do you believe warrants this prestigious title? If you haven't already done so, make sure you nominate someone either in group this Week (nomination slips will be on the interest table next to the beautiful heart-shaped box) or simply drop me an email. I'll be contacting everyone you nominate to encourage them to take part. We'll have a Food Optimising buffet that evening so make sure you all bring in a plate of food - I'll bring cups, plates, cuttlery and drinks. I'm hoping we'll have a bit of music as well, if my computer skills develop accordingly!!!! So be there to celebrate your Woman of Year - woo-hoo!!!


Monday, 2 August 2010



Just want to make sure you don’t miss out on the chance for a free week!! We are currently running the “bring a new member, get a free week” offer. Bring as many friends as you wish and you’ll get a free week for every friend who joins your fabulous group! (If you spot a new member joining in group, why not ‘claim’ them as your friend!!!) Plus, of course, you will ALSO get a copy of the HOT “Summertime” booklet that money just cannot buy!!!

Your group is doing so fantastically well, I really want to make your group THE place to be to lose weight on a Wednesday night and I know that together we can make our group the buzziest, funniest and bestest in Cambridgeshire!!! I want you to be proud to come to group, to show off your weight loss, meet friends, have a cuppa, give support to those who’ve not had a great week – and get support if you’ve had a tough week.

My passion and commitment to you is always here - you are always my priority when it comes to Slimming World and if you’re happy, then I’m happy – but when you’re sad, I’m sad, too! I will do anything I can to ensure you get a weight loss every week and get to where you want to be so really keep those weight loss journeys going throughout the summer and you will reap the rewards you truly deserve.

Finally, don’t forget to bring me back a postcard from wherever your holiday destination might be – whether it's from Sunny Hunstanton or Sizzling Spain !!! If you’re not going away, you can still bring me back a postcard from day trips! We’ll be doing a prize draw at the end of the summer so make sure you’re in it to win it!

See you on Wednesday - stay summer smart!

Sandra :)